Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The BIG 2-9

So, it's my birthday and I don't really have much to say except that I am excited to see what this year brings.

Yes, it's the last time I can say I'm celebrating a birthday "in my 20s" but it's also just another year (I think next year will be wayyyyy harder!!)

In any case, cheers to turning 29 and I hope that this year is better than ever!!! <3

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Foodie Penpals!

I am EXTREMELY excited to announce that I am participating in the foodie penpal program over at the Lean Green Bean! As a child, I loved having a penpal in Ireland, and this is like the grown-up version for me--with food! who wouldn't love receiving goodies and treats in the mail each month AND getting to know new people and blogs?

I sure would! 

I have already been in contact with my penpal for the month of June (my birthday month, holler! lol) and I'm anxious to hear her likes and dislikes so I can assemble the perfect box of treats for her. Her name is Tianna, and if she happens to read this, hello and thanks for being my first foodie penpal!

Another shout out goes out to Jennifer, for being the person who is mailing ME my box of goodies and taking the time to ask my likes and dislikes--but let's be real, do I really dislike anything? (ok yes, onions, I'm looking at you!)

In any case, this has made my week. June is going to rock, even if I am turning 29 ;)